React native beginner stuff

Porsche 911

By Jane Sugar on Pinterest



SDK : to access and use native components like

  • gallery
  • camera
  • sensors and more

e.g to select images using the systems UI.

pnpx expo install expo-image-picker

🦅 Over view

  • layout for shared views carry across from nextjs

  • index.tsx is always the / route

  • view is the div equivalent of the web

  • entry is app/_layout.tsx

  • <Stack> can be thougts of as a book

    • a page(screen) in this is <Stack.screen name="index">
    • the name prop points to a page(screen)
    • also has an option prop which are like settings for the screen ()
    • (tabs)/ is a special dir inside app/ used to create mobile navigation tabs
    • it also takes a _layout.tsx
    • unlike app/_layout.tsx which has the <Stack> ...
    • the app/(tabs)/_layout.tsx has <Tab> which houses all the tabs
    • each <Tab.Screen> also takes a name prop which points to the files in (tabs)/ as well as other properties similar to what the Stack.Screen does



import { Stack } from "expo-router";

export default function RootLayout() {
  return (
      <Stack.Screen name="(tabs)" options={{ headerShown: false }} />
      <Stack.Screen name="+not-found" />


import { Ionicons } from "@expo/vector-icons";
import { Tabs } from "expo-router";

export default function TabLayout() {
  return (
        headerShadowVisible: false,
        headerTintColor: "#fff",
        headerStyle: {
          backgroundColor: "#25292e",
        tabBarActiveTintColor: "#ffd33d",
        tabBarStyle: {
          backgroundColor: "#25292e",
          title: "Home",
          tabBarIcon: ({ focused, color }) => (
              name={focused ? "home-sharp" : "home-outline"}

Components and API's

react native just like the web has it's api's and components which can be directly accessed such as

  • the <View> components which is one of the common ones
  • a <Button> which is what expo go wraps as <Pressable>
  • StyleSheet object which is standard for css abstraction | nice touch 😘

    not sure if it's supports sass tho, will find out in future development sessions

some of which has been wrapped and made available throught the expo SDK

components & apis

React native beginner stuff